
Relayers module manager kinds of relayers.

Available Commands


Query relayers

Query threshold

Add new relayers

Delete a relayer

Set threshold

stafihubd query relayers relayers

Query the relayers of a specific denomination and arena.

stafihubd query relayers relayers [arena] [denom] [flags]

stafihubd query relayers threshold

Query the threshold of a specific denomination and arena.

stafihubd query relayers threshold [arena] [denom] [flags]

stafihubd tx relayers add-relayers

Add relayers for a specific denomination and arena.

stafihubd tx relayers add-relayers [arena] [denom] [addresses] [flags]

stafihubd tx relayers delete-relayer

Delete a relayer for a specific denomination and arena.

stafihubd tx relayers delete-relayer [arena] [denom] [address] [flags]

stafihubd tx relayers set-threshold

Set the threshold for a specific denomination and arena, the default value is 0 if unset.

stafihubd tx relayers set-threshold [arena] [denom] [value] [flags]

Last updated