Swap ICS20 FIS to ERC20 FIS
It’s not supported to swap ICS20 FIS to ERC20 FIS directly, we can achieve it through two swaps: swap ICS20 FIS to native FIS and swap native FIS to ERC20 FIS.
Before swapping, please make sure that you have installed the 3 following wallets. If not, please install them and import your StaFiHub, StaFi and Ethereum addresses.
Keplr: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keplr/dmkamcknogkgcdfhhbddcghachkejeap
Polkadotjs: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/polkadot%7Bjs%7D-extension/mopnmbcafieddcagagdcbnhejhlodfdd
Metamask: https://metamask.io/download/
1.Swap ICS20 FIS to native FIS
Enter rBridge on StaFi rToken App: https://app.stafi.io/rbridge?srcTokenStandard=Native&dstTokenStandard=ERC20
Select FIS token and StaFiHub/StaFi Chain as the picture shows, add the swap amount of ICS20 FIS and the receiving address.
Note: the receiving address must be StaFi address(not StaFiHub address).
After “Approve”, ICS20 FIS wiil be swapped to be native FIS.
2.Swap Native FIS to ERC20 FIS
Select FIS token and StaFi Chain/Ethereum as the picture shows, add the swap amount of Native FIS and the receiving address.
Note: the receiving address must be ethereum address.
After “Sign the transaction”, native FIS wiil be swapped to be ERC20 FIS.
Contract address on Ethereum: 0x9559aaa82d9649c7a7b220e7c461d2e74c9a3593, Please add it in Metamask wallet, you can see the ERC20 FIS balance.
Last updated