Integrate into rToken App

StaFiHub App

The front-end interactive DApp, on which users can stake the target chain token, unbond the token, participate in DEX transactions, etc. StaFiHub holds the app that integrates all rTokens, and you can easily add a new chain configuration to integrate a new rToken.

How to integrate?

Make your PR to StaFiHub App.

Add your chain config like this.

config example:

  "chainName": "Cosmos",
  "chainId": "cosmoshub-4",
  "displayHubName": "CosmosHub",
  "rpc": "xxx",
  "restEndpoint": "xxx",
  "denom": "uatom",
  "coinDenom": "ATOM",
  "decimals": 6,
  "bech32Config": {
    "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "cosmos",
    "bech32PrefixAccPub": "cosmospub",
    "bech32PrefixValAddr": "cosmosvaloper",
    "bech32PrefixValPub": "cosmosvaloperpub",
    "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "cosmosvalcons",
    "bech32PrefixConsPub": "cosmosvalconspub"
  "explorerUrl": "",
  "defaultApy": "19",
  "sortIndex": 1,
  "isNativeKeplrChain": true

chainName: Display in the wallet page of StaFiHub App or in keplr wallet if keplr does not support the chain by default.

displayHubName: Display in IBC bridge of StaFiHub App.

defaultApy: The default staking apy of the target chain. Initialize display in StaFiHub App. It is useless when the rToken service is officially running for a few days.

isNativeKeplrChain: It is true if keplr has integrated your chain, false otherwise.

Last updated