rToken Dapp Guide

Consider the similar operation guides for integrated tokens in the future, so we take ATOM as an example to demonstrate the operation guide in the StaFiHub rToken App.

Before staking, please make sure that you have installed Keplr wallet. If not, please download/install and follow the instructions to import your Cosmos account.

Keplr: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keplr/dmkamcknogkgcdfhhbddcghachkejeap

rATOM: https://app.stafihub.io/rToken/rATOM/stake

rIRIS: https://app.stafihub.io/rToken/rIRIS/stake

rHUAHUA: https://app.stafihub.io/rToken/rHUAHUA/stake

rSWTH: https://app.stafihub.io/rToken/rSWTH/stake

1.Stake ATOM and Mint rATOM

1) Enter the StaFiHub App: https://app.stafihub.io/rToken/rATOM/stake, click Keplr to connect with StaFiHub.

2) Click "Stake ATOM".

3) Enter the amount of ATOM and received address on the "STAKE" page, and click "You will get 0.8541 rATOM".

4) Click “Understood” and “Approve”as the page prompts, the "Liquidity Process" on the right will show the Sending & Minting process.

Note: Liquidity process will request your approval, do not edit your memo, otherwise you cannot receive your rATOM.

5) Check the delegation data on the "DASHBOARD" page.

2.Redeem The Staked ATOM

1) Click "Redeem rATOM" on the "DASHBOARD" page.

2) Enter the number of rATOM, and the system will calculate the amount of redeemed ATOM based on the current exchange rate.

Confirm the address of receiving ATOM.

3) Confirm the following information on the pop-up page: unbonded rATOM amount, unbonding commission, Relay bridge fee, unbonding period, and ATOM amount you could get.

Click “unbond”.

4) After the signature is completed, the unbonding ATOM amount will be displayed on the "Unbond" page.

After the unbonding period ends, the user does not need to withdraw it manually, and the ATOM tokens will be automatically sent to the designated address.

3.Recovery Function

When the sending is completed and the ATOMs are sent to the StaFiHub contract address on the Cosmos chain, but the staking process is not completed yet, the "Recovery" function will help you to resume the staking process.

1) Confirm whether the transaction is successful in the notification bar. If it prompts "Error", it means the stake operation failed, as shown below:

2) Confirm the Token type on the current page, enter the TxHash and receiving address, click "Proceed" to continue the delegation process.

When you continue to stake ATOM, the signature page will pop up, just follow the prompts.

The way to get TxHash:

You can read FAQ about more details.

Last updated