IBC Transfer With Keplr Wallet

With the "IBC Transfer" functionality on the Keplr wallet, users can transfer tokens and rTokens between StaFiHub and the Cosmos Ecosystem. This allows for the cross-chain transfer of token assets from the Cosmos Ecosystem to StaFiHub, as well as the circulation of rToken assets within the Cosmos Ecosystem via the IBC Transfer feature.

Currently, it is possible to transfer assets on the StaFiHub chain with Cosmos Hub, IRISnet, Chihuahua, and Carbon. Below are the respective channel IDs:

  • From StaFiHub to Cosmos Hub: channel-0

  • From Cosmos Hub to StaFiHub: channel-369

  • From StaFiHub to IRISnet: channel-3

  • From IRISnet to StaFiHub: channel-33

  • From StaFiHub to Chihuahua: channel-4

  • From Chihuahua to StaFiHub: channel-25

  • From StaFiHub to Carbon: channel-5

  • From Carbon to StaFiHub: channel-13

This guide will use the transfer of rATOM from StaFiHub to CosmosHub as an example to demonstrate how to transfer tokens between StaFiHub and other chains using the Keplr wallet.

Please ensure you have installed the Keplr wallet:


1.Ensure that the StaFiHub chain is selected on the Keplr Wallet.

2.Clcik “Transfer”.

3.Destination Chain: Cosmos Hub, Channel ID: channel-0

4.Enter your Cosmos address and click “Next”.

5.Select the asset you would like to transfer on the StaFiHub chain, enter the amount and click on “Submit”.

6.Click on "Approve" to sign the transaction. The transfer process may take some time to complete. Once the transfer is complete, you may check your rATOM balance on your Cosmos account.

Last updated